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Showing posts from 2017

What Is Success?

Dictionary definition tells us that success is "the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors; the accomplishment of ones goals. The attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like." How do you measure success? Is it the number next to the dollar sign in your checking account? Is it the number of points on the scoreboard at a championship game? What about the number of friends you have? Maybe it's how big your house is? Is it measured by your degree? What about getting that promotion that you have been waiting for? If you got everything you ever wanted, does that make you successful? Maybe it does by the dictionary definition. When I think of success, I think of making somebody smile or laugh. Sometimes my success is realizing how much I have to be grateful for. Sometimes it's not impulse buying that giant chocolate bar at the grocery store. Most days I consider looking presentable to society a success. Sometimes it's just getting ...

Dear High School Seniors...

    It's has been a while since I have been here. I have been very busy with a new semester, starting a new job at a call center and just figuring out my life. I keep thinking of where I was this time last year. I was finishing out my senior year of high school and everything after prom is just a blur. It went by so fast and I didn't take the time to really reflect because I was too busy wishing away the last few months of high school. I wanted to take a few minutes to address the Class of 2017.  Dear High School Seniors,      I know that you are probably over this whole high school garbage. I remember feeling the exact same way. I was ready to move on and start my life. I'm not saying that I want to go back but I am saying that things are very different now than what I thought they would be when I graduated.       The last first day of school is over, your last homecoming in gone, everyone came to see you on senior night, the m...

Master The Day!

I need to be a little more adventurous. I have my routine and that is good but I could put myself out there a little more because nothing grows in the comfort zone! So yesterday me and some friends went to a Lip Sync battle and somebody was going to pay the performance fee for all of us to do it. This is something that usually I would have just sat back and watched. In the moment I decided that I had nothing to lose! So we went up on stage to perform "What makes you beautiful" by One Direction. It was embarrassing and wasn't the greatest performance of my life but I had so much fun and that will be such a fun memory to look back and laugh about.  I have made a major change in my life in the last few weeks (literally). I changed my major to General Studies but I'm the type of person who doesn't like to waste time or money on something I know I won't use so I keep thinking about what I should try to pursue and this was so not the week to do that. I'...

There is Sunshine in my soul today

First I want to apologize for not posting for an entire month. I'm going to be real you guys, the first time you leave home and are on your own is really hard. And I don't mean the kind of hard like it's hard to get out of bed some days. I'm talking about I would have done anything to have my family around me and be in a familiar place again. The last few weeks have really been hard. I was feeling like I just couldn't pull myself out of this grey slump. I felt like I was doing all the right things. I went to church, devotionals, reading and praying but I just was not feeling it. I've just been rethinking what I want to pursue while I am here and I hate not having a plan. So I decided that I was tired of feeling this way and I tried to be really open to fun things and paid attention to the good things that happened throughout the week: Monday : There was no school and I got to have fun tie dying shirts with my roommates. Tuesday : I went to devotional and ...

Don't let your struggles define you...

From HGTV Everybody has a struggle. Mine is that I try too hard to please others and when I fall short I let myself feel blamed. The hardest part of a struggle or insecurity is letting it go. Nothing can hold you back more than fear. What I've realized though is that there is always going to be someone who doesn't like you or someone who will criticize you. Eleanor Roosevelt once said "Do what you feel in your heart to be right-for you will be criticized anyway". She's right. There won't be a time when you'll be critic free. So what is the point in trying to please someone else instead of yourself? A good friend of mine always says "you do you" and I love that she says that because it is a good reminder to just be yourself. Don't worry what other people think because odds are they are worrying about what you're thinking too.  The picture reminds me of self worth. Each flower is different but they are all beautiful and together they m...

First week of college!

Well I did it guys! I survived my first week as a college student! So far my History of Education class is my favorite and I love all my teachers they are all great! Even though my mornings start out with -15 degree weather this place is beautiful and I am extremely grateful for the opportunity I have been given to attend school here. Back to the cold weather. Being from the valley of Oregon I am not built for this kind of weather! (picture of me with hand warmers on my face) However this kind of cold is different than the Oregon rain cold. I'm surprised by how warm I have actually been. This has also been the most I have ever walked in 1 week in my whole life. I currently average about 5-6 miles a day except for the almost 27,000 steps day! It  has been crazy how much I have learned already about myself and others. I am so excited for this new adventure. It is still very weird being away from home but I am so happy and thankful for this amazing opportuni...

Happy New Year from the North Pole!

Well I have finally settled into my apartment and I am ready to begin the new year in a new place!! My new year's resolutions for this year are: Worry less. Live more. Be happy. 2016 was filled with new adventures and major changes. I started 2017 by leaving home and starting college. I was so sad to leave but being here now has helped me realize my pure excitement to be here. I have lived in such a small corner of the universe my whole life and it was the hardest thing I have ever looked forward to doing. I really want to take advantage of this amazing opportunity that has been placed before me and give it my all. So far this place has been beautiful but it sure has been cold. Like 4 degrees outside when I woke up this morning cold. Being from the Oregon "wetlands" I am not used to this icy weather but boy I sure love the beauty of it. I hope everyone had the happiest of holidays. No matter where this year takes you, look at it as opportunity to seek adventure, lear...