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First week of college!

Well I did it guys! I survived my first week as a college student! So far my History of Education class is my favorite and I love all my teachers they are all great! Even though my mornings start out with -15 degree weather this place is beautiful and I am extremely grateful for the opportunity I have been given to attend school here. Back to the cold weather. Being from the valley of Oregon I am not built for this kind of weather! (picture of me with hand warmers on my face) However this kind of cold is different than the Oregon rain cold. I'm surprised by how warm I have actually been. This has also been the most I have ever walked in 1 week in my whole life. I currently average about 5-6 miles a day except for the almost 27,000 steps day! It  has been crazy how much I have learned already about myself and others. I am so excited for this new adventure. It is still very weird being away from home but I am so happy and thankful for this amazing opportunity. If some kind of change is happening to you, take advantage of it! It will be so rewarding if you face it head on and then enjoy the ride! Catch ya next week for another dose of Vitamin "C"!


  1. You are such a little ray of sunshine in that cold place. I loved my college experience. So happy you are loving yours! Such an adventure for you Chels. I couldn't be prouder of you.

    1. This is Lindsay Carlson btw. I'm laughing that my google account still says my preschool name.


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