Dictionary definition tells us that success is "the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors; the accomplishment of ones goals. The attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like."
How do you measure success? Is it the number next to the dollar sign in your checking account? Is it the number of points on the scoreboard at a championship game? What about the number of friends you have? Maybe it's how big your house is? Is it measured by your degree? What about getting that promotion that you have been waiting for? If you got everything you ever wanted, does that make you successful? Maybe it does by the dictionary definition.
When I think of success, I think of making somebody smile or laugh. Sometimes my success is realizing how much I have to be grateful for. Sometimes it's not impulse buying that giant chocolate bar at the grocery store. Most days I consider looking presentable to society a success. Sometimes it's just getting out of bed and doing what you have to do. There are some days where I fall short and I know that but that can give me the motivation to work even harder to make the next day really count. The past couple of weeks have not exactly been high points. I've slacked off, I have a package that has been sitting on my desk for 3 weeks now waiting to be mailed, and my room is a mess. I'm human. Nobody is perfect. I know that I can be better and I also know what I need to do to feel happy. It doesn't matter what you do as long as you try and believe in yourself.
I have had so many opportunities to grow and learn the past few months. I have realized how much I have to give to a small corner of the world. I want to be the kind of person who makes everybody feel like somebody. I hope people remember me as a kind person that they could always count on to be there for them. Some day I want to even be half as great of a mom as my mother was for me. I will consider that an accomplishment. I want to help people see that no matter who they are or what they look like, they are beautiful. I want to do something that can help people feel confident in themselves. I want my life to be made of a long series of accomplishments so I can leave this world knowing that I did the very best I could.
So I will ask you again. How do you measure success? Some material things are important I will admit. Is it still wealth or honors that determine your success? Or is it when your kid tells you they love you? Maybe it was helping a neighbor carry in their groceries and making a new friend? It could be making somebody's day with the card your wrote them about how much you liked what they said on Sunday. Sometimes your success will be remembering that it was picture day. Whatever it is just remember that the little things in life are truly what make the bigger picture. Success isn't the finish line, it's what you did to get there
I love you all. See ya next time for some more Vitamin "C"!
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