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Showing posts from June, 2017

What Is Success?

Dictionary definition tells us that success is "the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors; the accomplishment of ones goals. The attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like." How do you measure success? Is it the number next to the dollar sign in your checking account? Is it the number of points on the scoreboard at a championship game? What about the number of friends you have? Maybe it's how big your house is? Is it measured by your degree? What about getting that promotion that you have been waiting for? If you got everything you ever wanted, does that make you successful? Maybe it does by the dictionary definition. When I think of success, I think of making somebody smile or laugh. Sometimes my success is realizing how much I have to be grateful for. Sometimes it's not impulse buying that giant chocolate bar at the grocery store. Most days I consider looking presentable to society a success. Sometimes it's just getting ...